Saturday, April 9, 2011

Ahhhh Spring is Here!

It has been a very long winter here, and I am thrilled that the weather is finally getting warm.   I love getting up in the morning and hearing the birds sing.  It has been rainy here but at least it is warmer. 

We are now getting ready for camping.  It is time to pull the stuff out of the attic, and clean the camper.   I love camping and so do the kids; we have really missed it all winter long.  Camping is just a different style of life, it is hard to explain unless you have experienced it.

We have a permanent site and I just can't wait until we are there, ready and camping again.  My life is more relaxed there and not as stressful.  It will be a little different this year because John will still be doing Treca a couple hours a day.

 Home schooling is going well.   John will be moved up to 5th grade in 2 weeks, and possibly 6th by the end of the summer at the rate he is going. He really is excelling, he loves the independence and less distractions. Kieth will be doing summer school with them for he can catch up on what he didn't pass, and get a jump on next year.

We will be leaving shortly today to set things up, the season is finally here!  Yeah!  We made it through the long winter.

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